Saturday, May 8, 2010

Audio Aid: Story

Students like listening to stories. It's a good idea to combine an audio story and the teaching of grammar as the former can make the latter more interesting. So how can you do this?

Group IV chose an audio story titled "The Clever Son". To present this audio story in a grammar class, you need a transcript of the story. Some of the verbs in the transcript are omitted and replaced by blanks, resulting in a cloze test. The students can fill in the blanks while listening to the story several times.

All of the verbs which are omitted are in the past tense, so it's a good introduction for the teacher if s/he wants to explain anything about the simple past tense, such as the patterns, the usage, the examples, the regular & irregular verbs, etc.

Personally I like the story.happy It's touchingcrying, and has a moral value: we must respect our parents no matter what. Good choice of audio story.thumbs up

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