Friday, May 7, 2010

Audio Aid: Monolog

Monologs have been frequently used in the teaching of listening, but actually they can be equally effective when they are used in the teaching of speaking, as proved by group IV in their presentation.

Short monologs containing introduction spoken by four people are played on the tape. For example:

My name's Phil. I'm fourteen and I live in Brighton. My favorite subjects at school are Biology and Chemistry. I don't like French. I want to be a doctor one day. I spend all my freetime playing football.

Next, the students fill in the blanks in the table below.

After they complete the table, the next task is acting as Phil, Melissa, etc. and introduce himself or herself based on the information in the table.

This is a good exercise which integrates listening, speaking and vocabulary. First, give the students a model of monologs about introduction. Then have them learn vocabulary by completing the table. Finally, ask them to introduce themselves orally.

By the way, it was Neri who acted as Jonathan last time. So from now on, we call him Jonathan.laughing

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